§ 28-13. Wind power program.  

Latest version.
  • All customers served by the city in the standard rate classes may apply to the utility manager for voluntary participation in the wind power program known as the Green Power Wind Energy (GPWE). All other provisions of the standard rate classes apply.


    [Purchase limits.] Wind energy may be purchased for one hundred (100) percent of monthly usage or by fixed one hundred (100) kWh increments; and


    Term. The minimum subscription term for all GPWE customers shall be three (3) months. All GPWE customers shall provide the city with a thirty-day notification for any GPWE changes. Participation on this rider shall be automatically renewed at the end of each customer's term unless the GPWE participant specifically requests termination from the program; and


    Wind selection charge (WSC). The price for each one-hundred-kWh block will be one dollar eighty cents ($1.80). Customers choosing the GPWE one hundred (100) percent option shall be billed at 1.8 cents ($.018) per GPWE kWh with corresponding power cost adjustment (PCA) exemptions. This price is in addition to the applicable standard pricing for each participant's total monthly billing. For purpose of the PCA exemption, each block shall represent one hundred (100) kWh.


    Minimum bill. The minimum monthly customer bill shall be the applicable customer charge as specified in each standard rate class in division 2 of this article, plus the applicable WSC(s).


    Power cost adjustment. All GPWE kWh are exempt from the power cost adjustment (PCA) but all remaining monthly kWh will be subject to the monthly PCA. Example of exemption: A customer that has subscribed to sixteen (16) blocks of GPWE shall be exempt from the PCA for 1600 kWh of usage (or 16 x 100 kWh) for the month. If a customer's total usage is less than their GPWE kWh for the month, a PCA credit shall be made for any unused GPWE subscription above actual customer monthly kWh consumption on the current month's bill. No PCA kWh credit shall be rolled forward or backward to any previous or future month's customer billing.

(Ord. No. 2004-21, § 1, 8-17-04)